Fines for ITV in foreign vehicles

One of the doubts which has been planted is the possiblity of fines for foreign vehicles which have not passed the ITV.
The D.G.T responded to this with a paper which answers the question in the following terms:

Where it refers to a car registered in a member State of the European Union they have said that such vehicles are not required to pass the ITV.
The provision which covers the complaint falls under Section 61.3 of the R.D. Legislation 330/1990, March 2nd, approved by the body of the Traffic Act, Motor Vehicle and Traffic Safety in relation to Article 10.1 of the General rules of the Traffic Act approved by the Royal Decree 2822/1998, December 3rd.
Vehicles registered in a member state of the EU must comply with Directive 96/96/EC of December 20th, which sets out the timeline for all technical inspections of vehicles.

In situations where vehicles are registered in Status which are not members of the EU, generally no complaints can be made, unless it can be proven that the vehicle does not meet the inspection requirements of the country in which it is registered.
In any case, where technical deficiencies affect road safety the vehicle may be detained under Art.70 of R.D Legislation 339/90. Injurices caused may be attributable to the driver of the vehicle taking into consideration all of the facts, in order to establish whether there is possible reckless or negligent driving. Art 67.1 contains a similar provision applicable in cases where the alleged offender resides in Spanish territory.

IndemnizaPlus deal with traffic fines for Non-EU nacionals.
Please contact us for more information.

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